Favourite Scribblings


Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Too cool for School.

Kürzlich habe ich beim Aufräumen eine Strafarbeit gefunden, die ich in der achten Klasse schreiben musste und ich muss sagen ich war ziemlich lustig mit mit 15. 
Die Vorgabe lautete, einen Aufsatz mit dem Titel "Warum fällt es mir so schwer, Anordnungen des Lehrers zu befolgen?" zu schreiben.
Hier meine Gedanken zu diesem Thema:

"An einem regnerischen Freitag, wir hatten gerade Wir-Stunde und die Klasse war etwas, naja, sagen wir unruhig kam Frau Tischer auf die Idee, wir sollten einen Aufsatz darüber schreiben, warum es uns so schwer fiele die Anweisungen eines Lehrers zu befolgen. Ja, das ist wirklich eine gute Frage.
Ein Punkt ist vielleicht, dass manche Schüler die Anweisungen gar nicht hören. Das wiederum kann verscheidene Gründe haben: im Klassenzimmer ist die Lautstärke so hoch, dass die Stimme des Lehrers einfach darin unter geht oder daher rühren, dass einige Schüler  während des Unterrichts Musik hören oder ein beeinträchtigtes Hörvermögen aufgrund von Diskobesuchen haben.
Manche Anwesungen werden oftmals auch für einfach nicht sinnvoll gehalten, oder als unangenehm empfunden. Dabei muss bedacht werden, dass sich die Schüler mitten in der Pubertät befinden und deshalb in der Regel eine etwas verquere Denkweise haben, die man als Außenstehender nur sehr schwer nachvollziehen kann.
Glaube ich zumindest."

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

A week full of pleasant anticipation.

The Day that I waited for for months is coming closer and closer...

Great events cast their shadows before...

Yes, you're right. Or not. 
On Saturday I'll be flying to the U.S.A.! I am so excited! For those who not know: I've never been outside of Europe before and now me and my dad go on a vacation to America! First we'll visit New York, then Philadelphia, Washington, Atlantic City, Miami, Orlando and the Keys. 
The last week I did a lot of planning what I want to see in New York, because we only have four days there so we want to squeeze in as much as possible. 
On thing we're planning to see is the Museum of Modern Art. I love to go to museums and see pictures of great artists like these:

Paul Cézanne

Paul Cézanne

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Oskar Kokoschka

Oskar Kokoschka

Marc Chagall



Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin

Roy Lichtenstein

I am so looking forward to it!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Red, White, Dotted

My mom went shopping today and came back with this cute little trunk.
I heart it!

via weheartit

binnen & buten

via weheartit

via weheartit

via weheartit

via weheartit

via weheartit

via weheartit

Friday, 7 May 2010

Thank God it's Weekend

First: I'm sorry for being so lazy with blogging and commenting the last weeks, but I was a little busy with school but the week after the next one will be better. I hope. On Thursday I had a presentation at school and I worked on it till four o'clock in the night... I'm still tired. But thank God it is finally weekend! I still need to do a lot for school but at least I can sleep in! And tomorrow I will visit Larissa, the girl on the picture. She's amazing. I love her so much and can't wait to spend time with her!

So... Friday! Let's fill in some blanks!

1.  My favorite book growing up was     a book named "Britta". But I didn't liked it just because it bears my name! It's about this girl Britta who does nothing else than horse riding and curry horses and so on. I really loved horses as a kid. I still do   .

2.  The funniest book I've ever read was     probably "The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass" by Adrian Plass. I love his humour .

3.  The one book that has truly changed my life is      The Bible. I think there are a lot of books that I could mention besides because so many books influences me and change the way I look at things. To mention just one "Chasing the Dragon" by Jackie Pullinger .

4.  If you're looking for a real "tear jerker" you should probably read     "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. It's just one of the most amazing books I've ever read. But really sad though    .

5.  If I could meet any author living or dead I would want to meet    Erich Kästner. I once did a paper about him and I think he just has a really interessting life. I also would love to meet J.D. Salinger. I love his books   .

6.  The next book on my "to read" list is      "The Shack" by William P. Young   .

7.  If I was snowed into  remote cabin in the woods and could only choose three books to bring with me I'd bring      my Bible, the Brockhaus Encyclopedia (24 volumes make up this complete book... does it still count as one?) and "Flabbergasted" by Ray Blackston. This is such a summerfeeling-happy book. I read it every year in my summer holidays, would be a new experience to read it in winter :)    .

Such a lovely theme! I heart books!
I think I gonna read a little tonight!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Highlight of the day #4

This girl. She inspires me!
Lately I've watched a lot "Taking the stage". I really love this show. It makes me wish going to an arts school or studying music... 

Monday, 3 May 2010

A21 Campaign

Today my friend Ramona posted this video on facebook.
I did know that women and girls are forced into prostitution but I didn't know that this is happening to so many of them.
I think this is shocking and horrible and I am ardent about the A21 campaign, that there are people who don't stay in this shock but actually DO something. 
You can visit the website of the A21 campaign and see what you yourself can do.