Favourite Scribblings


Friday 5 February 2010

Fill in the blanks.

Diese Idee stammt von Lauren die einen wundervollen blog schreibt:"the little things we do".

1.  If I had two hours to myself today, I'd     just hang out with my brother, who is coming today, play the piano and maybe make some pie .

2.  If I could travel anywhere today, I would go to    India   .

3.      Being in kindergarten      is my happiest memory.

4.  Sometimes you're     in the centre of attention       other times you're     not noticed by anyone .

5.  Beauty is     the reflection of a good heart or simply charisma.

6.  I would be embarassed if anyone knew    that I still have stuffed animals in my bed and that I talk to them every now and then   .

7.  Love at first sight is    sometimes as quick as it came gone, but really exciting and kind of romantic. This quote is very applicable I think   .


  1. I still have stuffed animals on my bed too :)

  2. i love that being in kindergarten is your happiest memory. that made me smile :).

    thanks for playing along, & i hope you have a lovely weekend filled with fun adventures!



  3. I love your answer to the love at first sight is question!


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