Show your heart with as much creativity as you can muster, show your heart in: a picture, a poem, a song (or piece of music), a quote, an item of clothing, and a place.
I love this idea and so I decided to show you my heart or maybe a little of it myself.
A Picture
These girls are my best friends in the entire world!
I hope we'll always be close and see each other regulary no matter where we live and what we do.
A Poem
Die Liebe
Die Liebe hemmet nichts;
sie kennt nicht Tür noch Riegel,
Und dringt durch alles sich;
Sie ist ohn Anbeginn, schlug ewig ihre Flügel,
und schlägt sie ewiglich.
Matthias Claudius
Love can not be balked,
she knows neither lock nor key
she soaks everything.
She is without beginning,
has flapped her wings all days
and will go on
for ever.
I translated it myself to English... I hope it's understandable.
A Song
A Quote
"Seid vor allem immer fähig, jede Ungerechtigkeit gegen jeden Menschen an jedem Ort der Welt im Innersten zu fühlen. Das ist die schönste Eigenschaft eines Revolutionärs."
Che Guevara
"First of all be able, to feel every injustice towards everyone everywhere in the world deep in your heart. This is the most beautiful feature of a revolutionizer."
(Again I translated it... I hope you'll get it!)
An Item of Clothing
A Place
New York... this is my favorite place in the world. I hope I'll live there someday!