Favourite Scribblings


Thursday, 30 December 2010

My Heart

I don't know how many of you are followers of Micaela's blog Dolce Vita. If you're not - check it out! At the moment Micaela is moving and without Internet and so she asked friends of her to guest blog and gave them these instructions:

Show your heart with as much creativity as you can muster, show your heart in: a picture, a poem, a song (or piece of music), a quote, an item of clothing, and a place.

I love this idea and so I decided to show you my heart or maybe a little of it myself.

A Picture
These girls are my best friends in the entire world!
I hope we'll always be close and see each other regulary no matter where we live and what we do.

A Poem

Die Liebe
Die Liebe hemmet nichts;
sie kennt nicht Tür noch Riegel,
Und dringt durch alles sich;
Sie ist ohn Anbeginn, schlug ewig ihre Flügel,
und schlägt sie ewiglich.

Matthias Claudius

Love can not be balked,
she knows neither lock nor key
she soaks everything.
She is without beginning,
has flapped her wings all days
and will go on 
for ever.

I translated it myself to English... I hope it's understandable. 

A Song

A Quote

"Seid vor allem immer fähig, jede Ungerechtigkeit gegen jeden Menschen an jedem Ort der Welt im Innersten zu fühlen. Das ist die schönste Eigenschaft eines Revolutionärs."
Che Guevara

"First of all be able, to feel every injustice towards everyone everywhere in the world deep in your heart. This is the most beautiful feature of a revolutionizer."

(Again I translated it... I hope you'll get it!)

An Item of Clothing

A Place

New York... this is my favorite place in the world. I hope I'll live there someday!

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Fluffy and warm

Today I bought new earlaps. 
Aren't they pretty?
I hate to wear caps, because they always destroy my hairdo.
But these earlaps make my ear warm and my hair still looks good.

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Beautiful Winter Day

A little late but: Merry Christmas!
I hope you all had a great time and received a lot of presents! 
I had a lot of fun with friends and family.
And for the first time I experienced white Christmas, which was beautiful! 

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Winter Wonderland

Yesterday I was buying Christmas gifts together with my dad. 
After that we went eating at "Fünfschilling" in Fischingen and when we got out the restaurant the sky looked like this. Beautiful, isn't it?

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Some Christmas Feelings

Yesterday was the You(th) Christmas Party. The Decoration was so beautiful and we had a lot of fun. This got me a little into christmasy mood. And this video added a lot to it!

Friday, 26 November 2010

An Ode to Wikipedia

I just say it: I love Wikipedia. 
Wikipedia is one of the main reasons why I want to have an iPhone. It would be so great to have it always by my side or actually - in my pocket. 
For me Wikipedia displays a place of endless knowledge and random facts about almost everything. Many times it helped me doing my homework or finishing papers.
It doesn't matter whether I want to know what's the name of an actor who plays a certain character in my favorite TV Show, or how many books Shakespeare wrote or
where on earth Căușeni is - Wikipedia knows everything.
Thanks to Jimmy Wales.

The first snow arrived this night in Southern Germany... 
Although I'm not a winter fan, I do like snow.
It makes everything sparkly and magical.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Yes, No, Maybe

At the moment I have to make a lot of decisions. One of them is about fighting for a dream, that probably won't come true or just give it up.
One the one hand I'm afraid of failing and being dissapointed but I also got hope. On the other hand I'm afraid of regret but I also long for relief and it would open up the opportunity to find a new dream.
I don't like making decisions.

Okay. Now I stop being so serious.
Isn't this cute? I wanna have this cute little baby pig!

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Hurray for Soccer

Two Weeks ago me and my family went to Freiburg to see a soccer game. We (equals Freiburg) won. It was a lot of fun.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Role models

As you may know, I want to become a journalist. 
Therefore I am always looking for inspiration and role models. 
One of the greatest journalist I found is Rachel Maddow. 
She is an american radio personality, a television host and political commentator.
She has her own show on msnbc. It is informative and at the same time funny.
I love her! Check her out here

Thursday, 4 November 2010

I don't believe in chance, I believe in God.

And that's so much better. 
At this time, where so many changes are right around the corner, it is so good to know, that God has a perfect plan for my life and that he is in control.
I am so excited for the future!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Great Literature

I do like literature. A lot. And I absolutely love reading. I even like reading books, that you have to read two or three times to fully understand. But I am a bit tired of these two guys here:

Heinrich von Kleist

 and Franz Kafka.

But of this one I will never get sick, no matter how many reading guides and analysis I will study. Great man.

Friedrich Dürrenmatt.

Wish me luck for my test tomorrow!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Pictures from Oxford

Here are some of the pictures I took on our trip to Oxford, England.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

A real good book.

Heute schreibe ich auf deutsch, da ich auch die deutsche Sprache sehr liebe, und ich von einem Buch erzählen, was zwar im Orginal auf englisch ist, ich aber auf deutsch gelesen habe. 

zu deutsch: 

Dienstanweisung für einen Unterteufel.

Seit langer Zeit das Beste was ich gelesen habe. Es gehört zu jenen Büchern, wo man am liebsten nach der letzten Seite gleich wieder von vorne anfangen möchte. Es bringt einen zum Schmunzeln und zum Nachdenken und beinhaltet wichtige Erkenntnisse über Leben und Glauben.

Ich kann allen dieses Buch wärmstens empfehlen. 
Als Kostprobe hier meine Lieblingspassage:
(zum besseren Verständnis: mit "der Feind" ist Jesus gemeint, er ist der Feind Screwtape und Wormwood und den anderen Teufeln).

"Die Menschen leben in der Zeit, der Feind aber hat sie für die Ewigkeit bestimmt. Daher möchte Er, so glaube ich, dass sie ganz besonder auf zwei Dinge ihre volle Aufmerksamkeit richten: auf die Ewigkeit selbst und auf jenen Punkt in der Zeit, den sie Gegenwart nennen. Denn die Gegenwart ist der Punkt, in dem die Weigkeit die Zeit berührt."

Mich hat das sehr zum Nachdenken gebracht. Ich glaube, es ist nicht verkehrt, sich mit der Vergangenheit zu beschäftigen, um von ihr zu lernen und in einem vernünftigen Maße an die Zukunft zu denken. Aber ich denke leben sollte man in der Gegenwart für die Ewigkeit.

Übrigends war ich in Oxford in einem Pub, wo Lewis und die Inklings ebenfalls hinzugehen pflegten:

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Hello. I'm back!

Hey everyone. I am still alive. 
I am sorry for vanishing into thin air for so long. There's no other reason for my lack of blogging than my lack of inspiration. And a huge lack of time.

So... what's new? 

First: I am 20 years old now! (Pretty old, don't you think?)

--> This was the invitation to my Party. It was a very small party, just my brother and my closest friends. We spent a really nice evening, eating, laughing and having good converstation.

Second: I've made a trip to Oxford in September with my Dad. I stayed there before, but I just fell in Love with this beautiful city all over again.

Third: I sent applications for University to England last week...  I am really excited. I applied for PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics). And now I wait, pray and study. Sometimes I feel like the homework just don't come to an end. So please excuse my just sporadical blogging.

xo Britti

Thursday, 9 September 2010