Favourite Scribblings


Sunday 4 October 2015

German Sunday | Hermann Hesse

hermann hesse was a german-speaking writer and painter. he was born in 1877 in the black forrest (so kind of near-ish to where i am from) and died in 1962. he is quite famous in the german speaking world. i have never read any of his books but have visited a museum of a place where he had lived for a while and personally found him to be quite strange. 

however, my mother, who knows my love for poetry, gave me a book with poems from different authors to my birthday and i wanted to share a poem with you which is written by hermann hesse. 
it is a poem about travelling entitled 'reiselied', which translates to 'travel song'. i thought this to be quite appropriate as i travelled to london this last week which was magical and will embark on some travels to germany tomorrow. 

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