Favourite Scribblings


Tuesday 1 February 2011


...I drove my bike to school. (Because it's good for the environment and it's healthy).
While I was doing that I listened to Pink Floyd and all the time I felt like you feel when you are really looking forward to something, full of joyous anticipation. I kept thinking: "To what am I looking forward to?"
And then I realised, that I'm not happy because there's something great in the future, but that I was fully enjoying the moment and being happy because of the present. And even though this moment wasn't very special or extraordinary I was so glad, just to be in this world, to live, to breath and to know all this is a present of God - for me.

via weheartit

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Britta! I love these moments where you are just in the moment, knowing you are at the right time at the right place. Love you!


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