Favourite Scribblings


Monday 10 October 2011

The first week...

So, Fresher's week is over now and I settled in quite good here. I'm really lucky, because I have the coolest flatmates ever. Yesterday we all cooked together (Spaghetti and Banana Bread for dessert - so good!)
I also already got to know a bunch of other students from China, Spain and Norway (and of course from the UK) and had some inductory lectures.
I also went to church yesterday, which was so great. I immediately felt at home there and met some really nice people.
Today Lectures and everything else are starting and I'm really excited about soaking up as much knowledge as possible.
Currently I'm missing my brother and my friend Simone. But I guess that's all part of being "grown-up" and moving to another country and so on. So I'm trying to focus on the life I'm building here and that I will see them in only 64 days (I guess it is 64, don't know if I counted right).
I thank God for the opportunity to be here and that everything started so well. I hope all you who read this feel as blessed as I do at the moment.

via weheartit

1 comment:

  1. wow! Es hat angefangen. Freut mich, dass DU so einen guten Start hattest :-)


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