Favourite Scribblings


Friday 5 March 2010

Fill in the blank Friday

Today I participate in Lauren's fill in the blank again, because it's so much fun!

1.  One thing I MUST do before I die is     to start my own family, that means meet Mr. Right, marry him and have kids. And I really want to go somewhere and tell people about Jesus and see their lives enhanced by him. (Is this correct English?)

2.  I would rather     work till midnight   than   get up early   any day.

3.  If I could give my younger self one piece of advice it would be     don't just care about the others, indulge yourself every now and then  .

4.  If I won the lottery tomorrow I'd      would apply to Universities in the US. Preferable in Berkley    .

5.  The best surprise ever was     when my dad asked me out of the blue if I wanted to go to New York for vacation this year    .

6.  My biggest fault is      I am very easily distracted. And then I loose track of everything I should do or wanted to do and I forget so many things    .

7.  My biggest strength is     to stay calm and relaxed even if everything seems to go to peaces  .

And today I also take part in Friday Follow for the first time. I think it is really great to see different blogs from different people! 


  1. Hi, I envy your biggest strength there. It would be so nice if I could stay calm even when something's wrong...That's a really plus point for you!

  2. If you ever get to win the lottery I highly recommend Berkeley!!! My favorite Uni of all. :D

    And yes on your #1, and yay on fun trips to NYC. :)

  3. Guten Tag! Happy Friday!

  4. Happy Friday Follow from Organic girl and Todays Diva :)

  5. Oh man, I so would rather work until midnight every day. I HATE waking up early.

  6. i love your blog! your header is too cute!

  7. I am so jealous of your strength. Can you send some of that calmness over my way?

  8. We seem so alike! I totally lose track of my goals and what I should focus on. I wish I could get better at this..and spending money on university in Berkeley? I think that's the most amazing idea I've ever heard of!

  9. I really agree with the work until midnight, I am not a morning person.

    Thanks for the follow, I am following you as well.

  10. I enjoyed reading this - and I'm absolutely with you on the early mornings!

    Returning the FF & looking forward to getting to know you :)

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Following you from Friday Follow! I'll pretend I can read all your posts! haha. :)

  12. Stopped by from Lauren's ..Love the ans to # 2 and # 7 ..not many have the strength to stay calm and deal with everything coolly ..
    happy weekend !!

  13. I see you're not a morning person either.

    Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow! I’m making my way through the list and I am now your blog follower. It is a pleasure to meet ya and have a great week!

    ~ Lynn

  14. Hi, I am your latest follower from FF, I am a tadbit late on the follow. I will hang around and read for a while. Hope you can follow me as well on my blog at www.safehomehappymom.com

  15. i LOVE this "fill in the blank" idea! i must play sometime this week! Also...send me your logo (if you have one) so I can post yours for the rest of the month on my BLOG too!


  16. Hi there! Thanks for joining the Blog Hop. I'm following you now. Love your blog. I'll be back later to read more.

    Happy Follow Friday!



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