Favourite Scribblings


Wednesday 26 October 2011

About Writing

Before I came to the UK I thought I might have problems coping with everyday tasks, like doing my laundry, keeping my room clean and cook proper meals.It turns out, that I have no trouble coping with that.
It is the language I am struggling with. I love English. I love hearing it, I love reading it, I love speaking it.It's just that I miss being able to express myself without thinking about it, creating plays on words or correcting people when they are making grammar mistakes.

I am a language person.
I write, I listen, I read, I talk.

I started writing this blog in English to create a practice space for myself and to reach a wider audience, because I had the impression, that Germans don't really get the blogsphere.
Currently I am thinking about continuing this blog in German.
I am carrying so many storys in me that want out. There are so many unspoken (or rather unwritten) words inside of me.
But I guess, the difficulty to let this stories out does not only come from my lack of English vocabulary.
It is more the fear about exposing my feelings to the entire world, putting my oh-so-callow thoughts and maybe crude opinions out there. Making myself vulnerable.
Well, I think that's the challenge every artist (I actually don't wanna call myself an artist, it seems a bit overrated, but oh well) has to face. If you want to create something relevant, you have to let your guard down, be honest with yourself and honest to the world.
I have been thinking a lot about this lately and today I saw this video which somehow affirmed my deliberations. Poetry is a scary thing, she says, but there are stories that only you can tell...

1 comment:

  1. totally! It is a risk to put yourself out there and make yourself vulnerable but it also makes you authentic and that is want people are looking for. No make-up, no clean and nice speach, but truth and honesty!
    I guess you can do both English and German. Whatever needs to be said can be said!


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