Favourite Scribblings


Friday 19 August 2011

Saying goodbye.

This weekend I'm going to three farewell partys and I'm currently planning my own. It seems like saying "Good bye" became a huge part in my life. Just today I gave the last guitar lesson to one of my students and it was really weird saying: "okay maybe we'll se in December", instead of "til next week!"

Until now saying goodbye wasn't so hard for me. Most of the time I do not really realise that I won't see someone for quite a long time and so I never cry and rarely am sad when saying goodbye.

The sadness comes later. I noticed that sometimes you don't really realise how much you love and need someone until this someone leaves.

One of my best friends currently lives in the USA. I experienced for the first time how hard it can be to miss someone. How it feels when someone leaves who just cannot be replaced.

It started with situations where I wanted to call her and ask if we wanted to go to the river rhine. Just lay in the sun, eat, read and talk. That's our thing.
But she was more than tenthousand miles away.
A few days ago we skyped. It was so great to see her face and to talk to her. But after that I missed her even more.

I guess saying good-bye and missing friends and family is a part of growing up. Suddenly I have 'old friends' 'back home' or even scattered all over the world.
Scary. But also exciting.


  1. you're right. scary, but exciting. missing someone is such a strange exquisite physical pain.

  2. I just spent three weeks with kids and grand kids. Everyone went home, each one their separate ways, and I miss them more now that I just saw them, than before they even came. I guess missing people means we love them, right?


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